Yiling Pharmaceutical Lianhua Qingwen Capsule helps prevent and control the global epidemic


On April 4, 2020, Phoenix TV broadcast a report on Yiling Pharmaceutical. It was reported that the global epidemic continued to worsen. At the China-Europe anti-epidemic exchange meeting, the recovery rate of patients treated with Lianhua Qingwen Capsule of Yiling Pharmaceutical co., LTD was as high as 91.5 percent, which has become a hot spot. Since 2004, Lianhua Qingwen Capsule has been listed by the national health commission of China, the state administration of traditional Chinese medicine and other departments in the treatment of influenza and other respiratory diseases for more than 20 times. It has played an important role in the prevention and control of major epidemics. On March 30, Lianhua Qingwen Capsule was approved by the ministry of health of Thailand for the registration of modern herbal medicine, which indicated that Yiling pharmaceutical co., a representative of modern Chinese medicine enterprises in China, had the qualification to sell Lianhua Qingwen Capsule as a drug in the Thai market.

Lianhua Qingwen Capsule helps prevent and control the global epidemic

At the beginning of 2020, COVID - 19 outbreak occurred in Wuhan, China, as the medicine recommended by the national health commission of China in the "diagnosis and treatment scheme of pneumonia infected by novel coronavirus", the market demand of Lianhua Qingwen capsules (granules) produced by Yiling Pharmaceutical co., LTD surged. In order to ensure market supply and help prevent and control the epidemic, all the production lines of Yiling Pharmaceutical co., ltd. are racing against time to produce Lianhua Qingwen products within 24 hours." When the outbreak came, we immediately donated 10 million yuan of Lianhua Qingwen capsules to the Red Cross society of China, of which 5 million yuan of Lianhua Qingwen capsules were transported overnight to the epidemic area in Wuhan to ensure the market demand. At the same time, we also donated products to foreign countries, such as Iraq and Italy. Yiling Pharmaceutical general manager Wu Xiangjun said in an interview.

In the covid-19 prevention and control programs successively released by more than 20 provinces and cities including Hubei, Guangzhou, Zhejiang, Shandong and Hebei, Lianyanghua Qingwen capsules (granules) are recommended. In an interview, Jia zhenhua, director of the Yiling medical research institute, pointed out that "the formula of Lianhua Qingwen is to include the pathogenesis of such diseases as exogenous febrile diseases (respiratory diseases caused by viruses in western medicine) and its treatment drugs."

The good curative effect of Lianhua Qingwen capsule is due to its characteristic of active intervention in multi-target therapy. Hou Yunlong, deputy director of the new drug evaluation center of Yiling medical research institute, told the reporter: "We found that Lianhua Qingwen has certain antiviral replication ability at the cell. When the virus infects the host cell, the host cell will have a certain immune response, and this immune response will release a number of pro-inflammatory factors.”

The overseas business layout of Yiling keeps accelerating

While actively promoting the fight against the "epidemic", Yiling Pharmaceutical's overseas business layout is also accelerating. On March 30, Yiling pharmaceutical announced that it had obtained the approval from the ministry of health of Thailand for the registration of modern herbal medicine, and approved Lianhua Qingwen capsules to comply with the registration of Thailand's modern herbal medicine standards, which brought more international recognition to traditional Chinese medicine.

"Through this outbreak, there has been a significant change in western European and American countries' understanding of traditional Chinese medicine." Zhao Shaohua, deputy general manager of Yiling Pharmaceutical co., said in an interview, "Lianhua Qingwen has been sold in some countries for many years. It used to be mainly used to treat flu, and there was a normal sale every year. Following the global outbreak of covid-19 this year, the demand for Lianhua Qingwen has increased exponentially. This has laid a very good foundation for Lianhua Qingwen 's future sales in the international market.

At present, Yiling Pharmaceutical products such as Tongxinluo capsule, Lianhua Qingwen capsule, Shensong Yangxin capsule, Qiliqiangxin capsule, Yangzheng Xiaoji capsule have been registered and sold in Korea, Vietnam, Russia, Canada, Singapore, Indonesia and other countries. Tongxinluo capsule has also been included in Vietnam's national health insurance directory. Lianhua Qingwen capsule has been registered in Hong Kong and Macao, as well as in Canada, Mozambique, Indonesia, Brazil, Romania, Thailand and other countries, and has carried out phase II clinical study in the United States.

On the internationalization of traditional Chinese medicine, Wu Xiangjun told reporters: "Yiling Pharmaceutical has set up the world federation of traditional Chinese medicine collateral disease branch, as well as in Canada, Europe, northern Europe. The theory of collateral disease has become a window for the world to understand the culture of traditional Chinese medicine, and a bright spot for the culture of traditional Chinese medicine to enter the world. With the deepening of people's understanding of traditional Chinese medicine and its wide spread, I believe traditional Chinese medicine will be a bright name card for China's internationalization in the future."

هذه المادة مستنسخة من وسائل الإعلام الأخرى التي تهدف إلى نقل مزيد من المعلومات ، لا يعني أن الشبكة لا توافق على آرائها ، ولا تتحمل أي مسؤولية قانونية عن أصالة جميع الموارد التي تم جمعها في هذا الموقع على شبكة الإنترنت ، لأغراض مشتركة فقط بالنسبة لك لتعلم و الرجوع إلى ، إذا كان لديك حقوق الطبع والنشر أو التعدي على حقوق الملكية الفكرية ، يرجى ترك رسالة


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  • استخدام آله وضع العلامات بليزر الأشعة فوق البنفسجية على أغطية الزجاجات يضمن سلامة المنتج وصورة العلامة التجارية.

    مع التطور المستمر في سوق المستهلك، تلعب أغطية الزجاجات دورًا هامًا لحماية المنتجات داخل الزجاجة، مما يلعب دورًا أساسيًا في جودة المنتج وسلامته، وذلك نظرًا لتقدم السوق وتنوعه. الطريقة التقليدية لوضع علامات على أغطية الزجاجات تواجه بعض المشاكل، مثل سهولة تساقط الطباعة بواسطة نقل الحرارة وعدم وضوحها. ظهور آلات وضع العلامات بليزر الأشعة فوق البنفسجية يحل هذه المشكلة بسهولة. كوسيلة وضع علامات عالية الدقة وفعالة، تُستخدم تكنولوجيا وضع العلامات بليزر الأشعة فوق البنفسجية على نطاق واسع في مختلف الصناعات.
  • برنامج "كن ضيفي" الموسم الثاني حصل على استجابة رائعة في المنطقة العربية

    بدأ عرض الموسم الثاني من برنامج التواصل الدولي الخفيف "كن ضيفي" الذي تم إنتاجه بالتعاون بين قناة غويجو الصينية وقناة الصينية العربية في دبي - كما عرض "مقاطعة غويجو الحديثة" على قناة الصينية العربية في دبي خلال وقت الذروة اعتبارًا من 26 أكتوبر، حيث عُرض حلقة واحدة كل يوم خميس. حتى 30 نوفمبر، تم عرض جميع الحلقات الست للموسم الثاني. البرنامج يشاهده 500 مليون شخص في غرب آسيا وشمال أفريقيا من خلال قناة الصينية العربية في دبي، ويعرض جمال "مقاطعة جيوزهو الحديثة" للجماهير العربية من منظور عصر الجيل "زد".

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